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Autorenbild: Jürg BiglerJürg Bigler

If you're not a breakfast type of person, please read on anyway. In this newsletter, you'll find out why a healthy breakfast is important, even if you just eat an apple. It can prolong your healthy life and I will explain to you which foods are good for breakfast and why it's not a good idea to skip breakfast completely.


I also love a lavish Sunday breakfast with friends, with delicious plaited bread, croissants, butter, cheese, egg dishes, fried bacon, cakes and other treats. Unlike  the past, however, I hold back a little and only eat a small amount. This means I don't feel so heavy and tired afterwards, knowing that my body doesn't have to fight so hard against the unhealthy foods.


Not having breakfast is healthier than having breakfast with animal products!

You can read why below in the article.


 What happens in the body after this sumptuous breakfast?

The huge amount of fat that enters the body here causes the liver a lot of trouble. It is not designed to process large amounts of fat and therefore has to stop its cleansing work. As a result, a lot of fat enters the bloodstream, the blood becomes thicker and contains less oxygen, which reduces the efficiency of the organs, muscles and brain and also weakens the immune system. This results in an unpleasant feeling of bloating and a thereby associated tiredness, which then lasts for several hours.


The large amounts of fat mixed with the many unhealthy carbohydrates massively overload the pancreas and it can no longer produce enough insulin. Therefore too little glucose reaches the cells, where it would be urgently needed. This increases the risk of developing insulin resistance (body cells no longer absorb glucose) or even a fatty liver over the years. Then the risk of developing type II diabetes also increases. Incidentally, it is very difficult to diagnose a fatty liver. If a fatty liver is diagnosed, its condition is already worrying, which means that this liver has not been able to do its important work properly for years. However, a healthy, fully active liver is particularly important today because toxic substances are entering our bodies much more frequently than in the past.


A hearty breakfast is often accompanied by a lot of fruit or fruit juice. However, this is not advisable for the reasons mentioned above. Fruit does indeed contain a lot of healthy sugar which our body urgently needs for the brain, cell metabolism and muscle metabolism. But in conjunction with the high fat content, the risk of developing an insulin resistance increases even more. This also increases the risk of digestive problems or painful flatulence. By the way, fruit juices are only healthy if they are freshly prepared on site and do not contain any sweeteners other than natural ones such as honey, maple syrup or date syrup.


The gut is an important key to health. Dairy products, fat and cereals containing gluten create a thick paste in the intestine that coats the intestinal walls. As a result, the important intestinal villi can no longer do their job properly. They are responsible for the optimal absorption of nutrients that our body urgently needs to stay fit and healthy. This effect also leads to a lack of nutrients, which again can result in dozens of stressful symptoms. Additionally, these foods lead to unfavorable development of gas and putrefaction in the intestines, which can yet even lead to the development of leaky gut syndrome.


Another unfavourable point: viruses can feed and multiply well on these foods and attack our nerves and organs. It fuels inflammation throughout the body or can lead to palpitations in the heart, loss of sensation in the extremities, brain fog or cognitive sluggishness.


Last but not least, animal products contain significantly more drug residues, herbicides and pesticides etc. than plant-based foods. These toxic substances are also significantly involved in the development of diseases.


To summarise, it must unfortunately be mentioned that such a sumptuous breakfast may be extremely tasty, but it is certainly also very stressful for our bodies. Consumed on a regular basis, it poses a great risk to us humans in developing serious illnesses and losing our vitality as the intestines, liver and pancreas can never recover from this strain. They thus become sluggish, unreliable and ill.


This creates a climate in the body that favours cancer and other diseases.



After hundreds of scientific studies on animal and plant-based foods carried out over the last few decades, it is possible to make the following statements:


  • The more animal products a person eats, the greater the risk of dying from a serious illness.


  • There is also a significantly greater risk of dying younger than with a purely plant-based diet.


  • The risk of developing type II diabetes, depression, dementia, Parkinson's disease, cancer, heart attacks, strokes, etc. is significantly lower on a purely plant-based diet.


  • A purely plant-based diet significantly increases the likelihood of not developing a serious illness in old age and dying of natural old age.


Dr Michael Greger's „How not to die” and Dr Colin T. Campbell's „China Study” show that these statements are indeed true.


 There are hundreds of reliable studies and tests that have led to these statements. At the same time, there are no studies and tests that have been able to prove the sustainable health of animal foods. It is clear that animal products contain many important food components, but apparently the human body cannot absorb these components to a sufficient extent because it is prevented from doing so by the harmful elements in animal food. According to the studies mentioned above  however, these harmful elements prevent our bodies from recovering from illnesses; on the contrary, they allow illnesses to develop and worsen.


What happens if you don't treat yourself to breakfast?

Our body constantly needs glucose, vitamins and minerals for its vital functions.


Without breakfast, a lack of glucose and minerals quickly develops and this lowers the blood sugar level. The adrenal cortex then releases adrenaline to replace the blood sugar so that the body remains protected and has energy. However, this artificially produced energy causes the adrenal glands a lot of stress. An often high adrenaline level is harmful and also feeds viruses in our body.


We often drink coffee or other caffeinated drinks in the morning. This forces the adrenal cortex to release even more adrenaline into the body, which remains there for a long time. Over the years, this damages the adrenal glands, congests the liver and makes it sluggish.


These are some of the symptoms that can result from skipping breakfast over the years: rapidly ageing skin as well as overall ageing, brain fog, lack of concentration, constant tiredness, hair loss.


Those who skip breakfast risk a higher mortality rate from cardiovascular disease!

This is part of the conclusion of a recent long-term study on intermittent fasting (Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, August 10, 2022). More on this in my blog:


Since the health risks associated with regular consumption of animal products are quite high, it is still healthier to eat no breakfast than one with a high proportion of animal products. (See ‘How not to die’ Dr M. Greger)


What should a healthy breakfast look like?

Now we finally come to the happy part of this story.

It is very important to recognise that this potential for a healthy and tasty diet exists.

In the publications of Dr Greger, Dr Campbell, Dr Joachim Mutter and other doctors, it is clear that

with a plant-based diet it is possible to return to a vital life even from serious illnesses.



Firstly, I would like to address the non-breakfast eaters. It takes very little to get a healthy start to the day and give your body the energy it desperately needs.


  • Start soon after getting up with a large glass of water (at least 4.5 dl) and add the strained juice of half a lemon. This helps your liver to flush out the accumulated toxins, which doesn't happen if you drink something else (most of the toxins remain in the body). An even healthier option is to grate a piece of ginger into a large glass and pour boiling water over it. When the water has cooled to around 45 degrees Celsius, add the lemon juice and a tablespoon of honey and strain it (you can eat the brew later with fruit or with a little honey).


  • Wait at least 20 minutes before eating anything else. Ideally, you should then eat a fresh fruit or a tomato and some cucumber. You can also do this on your way to work if you're in a hurry. Also take a banana or some dates or dried figs with you, which you can eat after about 2 hours.


  • Try not to drink your long-awaited coffee until after this little snack. You will soon realise that you feel better this way.


  • If you like to get up earlier and want to take your time, a fresh smoothie (without fat, so no nuts, linseed or chia seeds etc.) or a fresh vegetable juice would be an ideal breakfast. This is also great to take to work. For some people eating this smoothie or vegetable juice later in the day is enough.


  • These foods do not only energise you, but also have a detoxifying and healing effect on your body. If you manage to get through the morning without any fat intake, your liver can continue to detoxify unhindered. Without fat you will be more alert and have more energy. And by the way, it's reassuring to know that even vegetable juices still have enough fibre for our digestive system.



Now for all those who like breakfast and want to take some time for it. Of course, the recommendations made earlier also apply to you.


  • As already mentioned, eating fat stops the liver's cleansing process. That's why a healthy breakfast should consist of a nice big fruit salad or simply fruit. This is the best source of energy for all the body's functions. Fruit is also an excellent moisturiser for the joints and all tissues, so it also makes you look younger. The health benefits of fruit are extremely high and, according to Anthony William, it even has a positive effect on human fertility! I have already written several newsletters on various fruits, which you can read up on my blog.


  • If you don't like fruit, vegetables are also a wonderful alternative. Tomatoes also give you a lot of energy and, like cucumbers, they are a good source of moisture. Other vegetables and green salad are also welcome, just better to consume without fat in the morning. Vinegar is also not good for the liver in the morning, so switch to fresh lemon juice. Together with some maple syrup and tasty fresh herbs, you can prepare a very healthy meal.


  • Of course, a fat-free porridge or a fine fat-free muesli (without gluten-containing grains and animal dairy products) with oat flakes or millet flakes is also healthy. Some fruit (not too much because of the fat in the grain) goes very well with it, but should not be cooked because it loses its vital nutrients and then acts like simple sugar. Applesauce made from freshly grated apples (possibly with mashed banana), fresh lemon juice, possibly liquid honey and a little cinnamon on top is delicious. Unlike store-bought and pasteurised applesauce, this applesauce is very healthy.


  • A warm sweet or savoury meal of cooked millet, which can also be combined with cooked vegetables, is also tasty. These meals made from grain simply have the disadvantage that they hinder the cleansing work of the liver because these foods are naturally high in fat and are less healthy than fruit, vegetables and herbs.



This diet is not beneficial for our health when applied over a longer period of time. It is also interesting to compare this to our closest relatives, the great apes, who also do not generate their energy from fat.


If I was able to help you treat yourself to a healthy breakfast every now and then, even if it's just an apple, that fills me with joy and hopefully you too.



Have fun, stay healthy and see you soon!




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coach (at)

+41 (0) 78 767 54 61

Jürg Bigler

Waserstrasse 44

CH-8053 Zürich


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